Vansun Heat Stress Management Solutions | Dairy Ventilation Fans - Vansun Milking

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Vansun Heat Stress Management Solutions

Vansun Fogging System

Fogging System

Fogging system is one of the unique way of reducing the Stress in dairy animals and it works by creating pressure in Fogging nozzeles from where a mist is sprayed, if there are fans in the shed it helps to reduce temperature inside the shed as compared to outside ambient.

Advantages of Vansun Fogging System

Milk production – Animals with less heat stress not only stay healthy but give more milk even during summer as compared to housing where animals are standing without Fogging System.

On an average 10-15% of milk yield can be increased
with better climate control.
Comfortable cows
No wet cows
Dry floor

The Fogging can be controlled by a timer that will control the water pump, the timing can be adjusted as per our need for example fog for three minutes and no fog for two minutes in five minute duration.

Vansun Fogging System

Animal COOLING at Feed Alley For small farms upto 100 cows.

Ventilation Fans

Manufactured with SS Blade Aluminium Alloy pulley Energy Efficient Motors
We are one of the leading suppliers of the finest quality Ventilation Fan. There is wide range of choice from 10,000 Cubic Meter/Hr to fans that can deliver 55,000 Cubic Meter/hr. Our Ventilation fans are lowest in power consumption.

Ventilation Fans

Animal COOLING at Holding Area for Large Farms

Vansun Fogging System

ncrease Cow Dry matter Intake in summers

Body Temperature Comparison

Graph shows reduction of Cow body temp. after cooling- At Holding Areas

Vansun Heat Stress Management Solutions
Vansun Fogging and Ventilation

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